Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Book Meme

Following on from Matt Cardin's Book Meme post on his blog I'm going to answer the 10 point questionaire. Bear in mind that these aren't definitive answers, I've merely done my best to reply with the first books that popped into my head.

1. One book that changed my life. Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson.

2. One book I've read more than once. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

3. One book I'd want on a desert island. Dune by Frank Herbert.

4. One book that made me laugh. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

5. One book that made me cry. Hmm, tough one. I don't cry over books. The only time I can remember it happening was with a comic called A Moment of Silence which told (mainly) wordless stories of 9/11.

6. One book I wish had been written. The exploits of Stephen Hunter's action hero Earl Swagger in the US Marine Corps prior to WWII. You never know, Hunter may yet write this.

7. One book I wish had never been written. Okay, I'm changing this to 'One book I wish I'd never read' 'cos there may well be other people out there who loved it. Anyway, Dixie Chicken by Frank Ronan.

8. One book I'm currently reading. I'm browsing various books for story research. I'll pick the Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions 'cos it's right next to my computer.

9. One book I've been meaning to read. The Face of Twilight by Mark Samuels. (Sorry, Mark!)

10. One book I'd like to write. A SF/Fantasy/Horror/Noir/War/Comedy/Romance/Western/Musical/Philosophical/Theological/Sociological/Surreal/Realist masterpiece. But I'll probably just hack something out like I ususally do.

Now let's see if Quentin, Gary, Chris and Elizabeth want to rise to this challenge. Plus anyone else who wants to join in.


  1. Here you go:
    1. One book that changed my life. Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson (just had to agree with you, mate!).
    2. One book I've read more than once. The Stand by Stephen King.
    3. One book I'd want on a desert island. The Lord of The Rings by JRR Tolkien.
    4. One book that made me laugh. The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde.
    5. One book that made me cry. Never cried over a book.
    6. One book I wish had been written. I'm tempted to go with a sequel to Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons... but then sequels are usually rubbish...
    7. One book I wish had never been written. Ooh, probably the Bible.
    8. One book I'm currently reading. The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins.
    9. One book I've been meaning to read. Ulysses by James Joyce (It's too big! It scares me!)
    10. One book I'd like to write. The sequel to Jigsaw Men... ;-)
    See you on the weekend.

  2. Cheers, Gary. Even if I haven't actually read half of the books on your list :-)

    Although I did once attempt to read the Bible all the way through. Think I gave up somewhere around Psalms.
