Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Mask Behind the Face competition

Chris Teague has just informed me of this competition over at the Pendragon Press site:

Ten copies of Stuart Young's The Mask Behind the Face up for grabs if you can answer the following question: who wrote the introduction to this collection?
First ten folk to join the Pendragon mailing list by this Friday and confirm their answer via email to chris at pendragonpress dot net will receive a copy – unfortunately, I'll have to invoice folk from overseas postage costs.

The  book was short-listed for a British Fantasy Award for Best Collection and the title story won Best Novella.

1 comment:

  1. David Nell1:06 pm

    Dear Stuart,

    Firstly, my apologies for posting this here, as I couldn't find your email address.

    Forgotten Tomb Press just recently opened submissions for Miseria's Chorale, a non-paying horror anthology to be headlined by some of the best writers from around the world.

    Since we do not have much in the way of exposure, we are busy personally inviting contributors. We would like to make this project into something special, and we believe your talent could greatly bolster the anthology.

    Please have a look at the short, concise submission guidelines for Miseria's Chorale: http://forgottentomb.wordpress.com/2013/05/28/anthology-open-miserias-chorale-volume-1/

    Current Lineup:
    - Becoming The Beast by Christian A. Larsen
    - Visit by Richard Godwin
    - Because The Night Is Dark And Full Of Monsters by Sergio Palumbo
    - Give Me Convenience by Shaun Meeks
    - King of a Distant Star by Tim Jeffreys
    - The Wind by Ryan Neil Falcone
    - Untitled by Richard Farren Barber

    If you are interested in being a part of this for-the-love project, we eagerly anticipate your entry. Thank you for your time.


    David Nell
    Forgotten Tomb Press
